New Blog Info!

Hey all, please scroll on down to the bottom to see the most recent ECCC Blogosphere additions and info!

Do you want to be part of the ECCC Blogosphere? Drop us a line at

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Encouragement, Facebook, and Turkey-Day Poll

Hey All,

The weather's starting to get bleak around the ECCC, and riders are starting to feel the mid-Base pinch.  Get some encouragement and alleviation from the burning in your legs and keep the blogs coming!

We're looking to push the ECCC Facebook page once more.  The forum there is great to share photos, links to stories or articles, and even sell all those extra PowerTaps you have lying around.  Check it out at [1].

Also, there's a new Thanksgiving poll up.  Vote or Fail.

~Kyle "the guy who helps out but not really" Bruley


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

New Blog, New poll!

New Blog:

Human Zoom Ladies: A team based in Philly and made up of current Drexel grad students, Drexel alumni, Temple alumni, a UC Boulder alum, a Tufts and a UPenn alum. Most raced in college for our collegiate teams. Many still coach intro..

Also, check out the new poll about the season.

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