New Blog Info!

Hey all, please scroll on down to the bottom to see the most recent ECCC Blogosphere additions and info!

Do you want to be part of the ECCC Blogosphere? Drop us a line at

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Poll!

That's right, we're back with a summer poll. Check it out on the left side of the page!

Someone has to keep track of you ragamuffins!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer's here and we brought you a blog!

That's right, we have a new Blog! Can you believe it? It's like the ECCC Blogosphere was dead or something, but a new blog has been the metaphorical defibrillator to bring it back to life!

Vrooom! A blog by one Alex Bremer, a recent graduate of the Columbia Lions program. His brings tales that are bold, brave, borish, and Belgian as he is racing off in Europe. Check it out in the Alumni Section.

Coming Soon ECCC MTB (September-October 2009)!

-Blogmaster In Charge of Horticultural and Bubonic Affairs

The Blog Reel - Most Recent Posts at Top!

Team Blog Reel

Alumni Blogs!